EXCERPTS FROM: http://wvfoundations.org/id22.html
THE GERMAN-AMERICAN BUND A model for American Ethno-Nationalism & American National Socialism
difference between the 1930's Movement and 2013 is the
character and conviction of the Movements in the 1930's as opposed
to what we see and hear in 2013.
By: Rodney Martin, DirectorWorld View Foundations
By: Rodney Martin, DirectorWorld View Foundations
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Bund Poster--1939 Madison Square Garden Rally |
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German-American Bund Rally-Madison Square Garden February 20, 1939 |
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German-American Bund Flag |
German-American Bund had successfully built its own "National Community"
in the United States, much the envy and opposition of groups
including Jews, Communists and even the Ku Klux Klan which showed
up to protest the opening of the German-American Bund Camp
The German-American
Bund's use of images of Hitler and Washington together, along
with the swastika, demonstrated BOTH, support for National
Socialist Germany in the United States as well as a unique blend
of German, National Socialist and American ideology rather than
a foreign import. The success of the German-American Bund
demonstrated that if properly presented and properly messaged,
National Socialism would be embraced by large segments of the
American (White) populace.
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Bund Activity-Camp Hindenburg-Circa 1938 |
ever worsening economic conditions in the 1930's Great Depression
and lack of solutions by the Roosevelt Administration created
an environment ripe for Nationalism, as it should today in 2013,
the difference between the 1930's Movement and 2013 is the
character and conviction of the Movements in the 1930's as opposed
to what we see and hear in 2013. The German-American Bund and
its ethno-nationalism provided a voice for hundreds of thousands
in America who lacked a voice.
The Bund also provided much needed "comradary" and a sense of cultural fulfillment. The German-American Bund was another side to the "melting pot" theory. The Bund demonstrated how two different traditions converged in the United States with German-American families demonstrating this to their local communities, and to the Nation. The Bund's ideas went further; they also united other Nationalist Groups, such as uniting other groups, such as uniting German groups on Long Island and holding rallies and co-cultural events with Italian groups under the American flag. Before long, the Bund had Chapters and held events and public displays all over the United States, from New York to parades in downtown Los Angeles. The German-American Bund's efforts grew and the political and cultural terrain served as grounds for different "European-American" groups to "melt" their ideology together.
The purpose and goals of the German-American Bund consisted of the following:
Friendship and trade between Germany and the USA.
The adoption of those portions of National Socialism that it was felt would aid in the economic recovery of the USA.
Preservation of Germanic culture in the USA through history, language, and folk art for both members and the general public.
Family oriented social activities and gatherings at Bund meeting halls and summer camps. The family was considered the basic Bund unit.
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Bund members & Flags at Los Angeles Area Bund gathering |
The official U.S. Government propaganda from 1940 on has been, that German-American Bund members were just "Nazi supporters and not patriotic Americans"

The local concept of National Socialism in a democratic society, which was mastered by the German-American Bund threatened the ruling elite and is useful in understanding how local issues manifest in national and global politics and culture. The German-American Bund was on the way to "meshing Ethno-Nationalism, National Socialism, and American principals. The Bund failed only because of the onset of the war and the assault by the FBI. The Bund's combining of ethno-nationalism and national socialism with American principles is a model for success for 2013 with its three-tiered model, local, national, and global.
...In 1936, the organization underwent its final name change and became the German-American Bund lasting until 1941 when it was targeted by the FBI immediately after Pearl Harbor, its assets seized and its leaders jailed and detained for crimes on the basis of their German ancestry or associations.
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Bund Leader, Fritz Kuhn 1896-1951 |
Kuhn was charged, found guilty and sentenced in federal court to two-and-a half to five years for grand larceny and forgery after raising money for attorney fees in Nassau County, New York. The Federal Government alleged Kuhn used the money for his personal use, including his mistress. The trial, prosecuted by non-other than Thomas E. Dewey, the future Governor of New York and future two Time Presidential looser, to FDR and Truman. Bund members argued the case against Kuhn was designed to embarrass Kuhn. Interestingly, many Bund members were already being investigated by several other various government organizations as well, much like the IRS scandal of 2013. Fritz Kuhn and several Bund members had their citizenship revoked, spend the War years in American Concentration Camps and were deported to Germany after the end of World War II where they eventually passed away.
The Bund successfully blended German and American patriotism. In 1937, the Bund ratified its Constitution in New York. The Bund declared that its members would "uphold and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States"...
It should be noted that in schools all over the United States, the Pledge of Allegiance was done by American children with the "outstretched right arm and hand", thus the Bund was not importing the "Nazi" salute by any means.
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Bund-Chicago, Circa, 1938 |
Bund had a racialist foundation to unite "similar", emphasis
on similar, people, including Germans AND Americans. Fritz Kuhn
testified before the Committee of Un-American Activities and
stated that the main requirement to join was one must be
"Aryan," which he explained as "a member of the white
race." The membership numbers, Kuhn testified under oath, at
that time was 20,000 Aryan members and maybe "4 or
5 times 20,000" in sympathizers, thus Bund had between 20,000
and 120,000 active supporters across the United States
depending on their organizational status. The Bund also
strongly opposed the declared Jewish Boycott of Germany.
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Bund Gauleiter- West-Hermann_Schwinn-Los Angeles |
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Bund Rally-Los Angeles, California |
The Bund program offered the following principles: "To do honor to and defend the Constitution, flag, and institutions of the United States."
This was subsequently followed by a promise to "combat all anti-Germanism, as reflected in the libelous slanderous
attacks in the political, religious, cultural, economic, and civic fields" as well as "oppose
by all lawful means all international or internal subversive
phenomena, tending to undermine or overthrow the National Republic
of these United States or the Christian Civilization upon which
it is built". This echoed the previous
year's speeches on February 20, 1939 at the Bund's famous Madison Square Garden Rally.
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Bund Program-1939 Madison Square Garden Rally |
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The Bund on Parade-NOTE: the Flags |
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"German House"-Los Angeles |
Kuhn told members, "In national as in local politics our considerations of the political situation are based on two viewpoints. The purely American standpoint, as American citizens, and the standpoint as an organization bound to the (German) folk which (organization) is to engage in political activity favorable to the German fatherland." In order to create a strong local community of like-minded people, the Bund set out to bridge German traditions with American culture by targeting youth. The group wanted to teach German Culture to the next generation Americans. In the Bund's 1937 issue of Fighting Germanness ("Kämpfendes Deutschtum"), the cover featured Kuhn meeting Adolf Hitler with a swastika AND American flag. It must be noted for the 2013 reader, that the swastika was widely used in the United States in those days. U.S. Army used swastikas, swastikas adorned Highway Signs , and were used on public buildings.
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Az State Highway Marker |
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U.S. Army 45th Infantry Patch |
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Federal Court House-Albuquerque, NM-Window Mesh |
Camp Siegfried, the most famoud Bund Camp, was owned and operated by the German Settlement League whose president, Ernst Mueller, was a leading Bund member. With the tremendous growth of the Bund, the camp was used for Bund youth to learn about camping, hunting, shooting, and eugenics. For Camp was used for other activities as well, adults and local residents used the Camp to discuss politics and local events. More importantly the Camp Siegfried served for the celebration and dissemination of Bund ideology. Bund Youth were taught a wide range of subjects from philosophy and history to German language. Trips to Germany were organized, including the 1936 Olympics where Kuhn and others met Hitler.![]() |
Bund Youth "Standing Guard"-Camp Bergwald |
The Bund Camp(s) soon began to receive "official harassment". A local investigation of Bund activities at Camp Nordland, a Bund Camp in New Jersey by the local sheriff, Sheriff Denton Quick, concluded that the Bund youths' "books and even their teachers had been furnished by Adolf Hitler." The Bund's pamphlets, newspapers, and magazines ALL came from Bund headquarters. One Bund brochure, "What Price the Federal Reserve", was an effective criticism of the Federal Reserve which was mass distributed to the American populace. The Bund Headquarters was now located in Brooklyn after Fritz Kuhn left Ford, another "investigation by the local County District Attorney" Charles Downing, Sussex County, N.J stated, that according to unnamed witnesses, Bund Youth Uniforms were ‘smuggled into this country and brought to the camp from Germany by exchange students'. According to United States government documents of the time, "members of this youth division attended summer camps where they received doctrinal and physical training closely following the Nazi method in Germany." Women, on the other hand, "were associated in the Frauenschaft division, and devoted their efforts to the welfare of the Bund and its philosophy."
The camp(s) served to instruct men, women and youth in the ways of the "fatherland" and teach practical as well as political knowledge to its members. No "investigation" or "report" on any of the activities at the Bund Camps or the Camps themselves concluded that anything remotely illegal was taking place.
The "Official Harassment" orchestrated and coordinated by Jewish media, local, state and federal officials against the German-American Bund was the precursor of how these enemies of Ethno-Nationalism and Truth would attack such groups in the future. There would be coordinated attacks in the media, the use of false witnesses, endless frivolous investigations and prosecutions, and the commission of "damaging reports" all aimed at attacking the organization's reputation in an effort to drive away membership.

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Bund Flag Salute(s) |
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Bund Parade-Lindenhurst, NJ |
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Bund Camp Site Planning-Circa 1930s |
The German-American Bund was often targeted by local governments for its views, positions and support for Adolf Hitler. One of the most notable cases was New York v. Mueller, et al., which took place in July, 1938, after the German-Austrian Anschluss. The case took place in Riverhead, NY against six German-American Bund leaders. New York State coordinated with FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, Attorney General Cummings, and Jewish Congressman Dickstein, who had long targeted the Bund on behalf of the World Jewish Congress. New York State argued that the Bund had a secret oath which pledged loyalty to the "Nazis and Hitler". The state's star witness said he was given the oath, but under cross-examination the star witness was unable to provide any specifics regarding who gave the oath, his position or name any witnesses to his taking of the alleged oath. The allegation was a fraud and brought fraudulently by New York State in concert with the Federal Government.To refute the claims alleged by New York State, the German-American Bund's defense called Martin Wunderlich, a Bund member who was a shipping clerk from New York City, Wunderlich denied ever taking any such an oath. Wunderlich went on to tell the court he as well as everyone else at Camp Siegfried pledged their allegiance to the American flag. Wunderlich said, "I salute the American flag as a member and proud member of the White Race", the court record reflects that Wunderlich then stood up and raised right arm.
Then the New York prosecutors then asked Wunderlich, "is that is the American salute?"
Wunderlich replied, "it will be." As stated earlier, American students were indeed using that salute every morning in schools all over the United States when reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag, so Wunderlinch's answer should have been yes. In true form, New York news outlets, like the Schenectady Gazette, focused on Wunderlich's salute, reporting he "predicted that the Nazi salute of Hitler's Germany would replace the American form of saluting the flag" conveniently ignoring the use of the salute in American schools. The New York Press went on and "said he believed there would be a national socialist party formed in the United States on Hitler lines", which he did not.
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U.S. Children, in an American School, salute the American Flag-Cica,1939 |
Other Bund defense witnesses spoke of the American flag being synonymous with Christian principles, which was reported in the press as "anti-Semitic, while other defense witnesses warned that America was at risk by "Jewish Communism, a true statement looking at what became of America. According to a court stenographer and a family member of a juror, it was Wunderlich's actions that doomed the Bund's case. The jury found the six leaders of the Bund guilty in two minutes.
The conviction was however thrown out on appeal. The Bund's appeal argued that the trial court ignored the facts presented, which showed the witness who claimed to take the oath could NOT have taken an oath the day he claimed as court records showed he was elsewhere. The appellate judge dismissed the case saying if even if the oath was required, "you can't convict them because they may seem to be strange people."

When the United States and National Socialist Germany were formally at war on December 11, 1941, the Bund had already issued a statement in its newsletter to its members that saying "military service is not justified, in as far it concerns Bund members and American Germans, for in the Selective Service Law the citizenship rights of Bund members and the defenders of Germandom are unconstitutionally served!" This statement is often misconstrued and misstated by Bund opponents as a treasonous statement. Many Bund members who refused to fight or failed to comply with the Selective Service were targeted, such as Bruno Clemens Knupfer, were arrested for "engaging in a conspiracy to violate the Selective Service Act". Knupfer was a native born German who received U.S. citizenship in 1930 and lived in Brooklyn, New York. He was eventually held on Ellis Island where he was brought in front of a Hearing Board. Like many Americans of German and Japanese descent, the Board had the power to have him "removed and repatriated to the country of his nationality as soon as arrangements for his transportation could be made." In Knupfer's petition to the court, he wrote, "I registered for the draft and aware of my duty as a citizen at all times was willing to bear arms for and defend the United States." He further explained, "I believed that I am being detained solely because at one time I had opinions and beliefs with which others disagree." Feeling defeated, he "offered to surrender . . . citizenship," but "denied the allegations" believing "cooperation would be considered and help . . . later." Knufper's fate was the same as many others who associated with the Bund and similar groups, and his citizenship were revoked. For their association with the German-American Bund that praised their ethnicity as well as honoring American patriots, they lost their citizenship....
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Camp Bergwald-1939- Main Building |
The U.S. Government used the war to finally bring unconstitutional powers in war time, unavailable in peace time, to bear on the Bund.
The German-American Bund is an example of positive American Ethno-Nationalism & American National Socialism.
Sources:"They too were Americans", Scott Freeland
"Americas Nazis: A Democratic Dilemma a History of the German American Bund", Susan Canedy
United States National Archives:
United States v. Carl Bregler, et. al
New York v. Mueller, et al
German-American Bund Documents
U.S. State Dept. Report- National Socialism
FBI Records of the German-American Bund & German-American Federation
The Official German Report: Nazi Penetration, 1924-1942
1937 Constitution of the German American Bund
"What Price the Federal Reserve"-a Bund Publication
"Awake and Act"-a Bund Publication
"Free America"-The Bund Speeches at the 1939 Madison Square Garden Rally
Personal recollections of Ruth Schmidt-Martin, Los Angeles Bund Member (Author's Grandmother)

NOTE: This video provides excellent footage of Bund activities in the Los Angeles area in the 1930's. However, the viewer must discout the anti-Bund/anti-German/anti-National Socialist propagandistic narration which is completly inaccurate. The video is provided for its footage only. Its should be noted that no one is handing materials back to Bund members and the Bund Events are very positive and the people are all very supportive.
NOTE: this is excellent footahe of Bund activities at Camp Bergwald in New Jersey. This is original home movie type footage. There is no sound. This footage provides excellent insight as to the activities and comradery which took place at the Bund Camps and within the Bund itself. This type of Etno-Kinship has been deemed "politically and socially incorrect by today's Cultutral Marxists.
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